New Context

New Context

VeriTrans and econtext Offer Support for DOCOMO’s “d PAY” Barcode Payments from Spring 2018

Provide Support for “Mobile Payment for AirREGI” Developed by Recruit Lifestyle


VeriTrans Inc. (HQ: Tokyo; Representative Director and President: Hiroshi Shino; VeriTrans), and ECONTEXT, INC. (HQ: Tokyo; Representative Director and President: Keizo Odori; econtext), which are subsidiaries of Digital Garage, Inc. (TSE first section: 4819; HQ: Tokyo; Representative Director, President Executive Officer and Group CEO: Kaoru Hayashi; DG) and provide payment services, will both begin support for the “d PAY” barcode payment service, which will be started by NTT DOCOMO, INC. (HQ: Tokyo; Representative Director and President: Kazuhiro Yoshizawa; DOCOMO) for the expansion of barcode payment solutions from spring 2018.

In addition, they will also begin offering the same service for “Mobile Payment for AirREGI,” a mobile payment service developed by Recruit Lifestyle Co., Ltd. (HQ: Tokyo; Representative Director and President: Ken Asano).

Overview of “d Pay”

“d PAY” is a payment service where users can shop by scanning barcodes displayed on the “d PAY” application screen at “d PAY” participating store registers or payment terminals.

As a payment method, it is also possible to use “d points” for all payments made by phone, which are paid together with monthly cell phone payments, in addition to credit card payments. Furthermore, users can save “d points”, earning 1 point for every 200 yen spent*1. When shopping at participating “d PAY” or “d points” stores, users can pay with the “d points” they have saved up, with 1 point worth 1 yen*2. With “d PAY”, participating stores can expect to see an increase in customers, most of which will be DOCOMO users, as well as an increase in transaction value due to the more convenient payment method.

VeriTrans and econtext will provide payment data processing and handle payments between DOCOMO and participating stores that offer “d PAY”.

Future Developments

Offering a variety of barcode payments is one strategy by DG group payment providers VeriTrans and econtext for expansion in the offline market. Because both companies that offer the service have records of face-to-face and online payments, they can respond to the growing payment needs of consumers, and promote an increase in participating stores and more usage of barcode payments.

【Service image】

*1: When paying with “d points”, the points users receive will be based on the amount deducting “d points” used.
*2: Conditions such as payment method will vary by company. User registration is required to use “d points” at participating stores.

* “d PAY” and “d Keitai-Barai Plus” are copyrights and registered trademarks of NTT DOCOMO, INC.

【About VeriTrans】
A payment provider that carries out online payment initiatives for the Digital Garage Group. Recently VeriTrans has also provided offline payment services, including the use of Mobile POS and mobile barcodes. As a leader in the payment services industry, which has now grown into a basic social infrastructure, VeriTrans will work with DG Group member econtext to offer advice to government institutions and the credit card industry, along with speedy service that meets the needs generated by trends in business and policy. Such efforts will support expansion of convenient solutions, along with a safe and secure environment, as required by EC businesses and consumers.

【About econtext】
A payment provider that handles online payment initiatives within the Digital Garage Group. Through the efforts of econtext and VeriTrans, another company beneath the DG umbrella, the DG group has become one of Japan’s largest online payment providers and is now expanding into a global online payment platform covering not only Japan, but overseas markets as well, with a particular focus on Asia. Econtext has also been a pioneer in the use of convenience store kiosks for realistic payment settlement, operating the wire transfer service CASH POST and other efforts in the field of financial transfers.