Sustainability Data

Data on our sustainability achievements.

※"Digital Garage Group"(Digital Garage, Inc. and its subsidiaries)includes different main subsidiaries depending on the items.
Item Boundary Unit FY21.3 FY22.3 FY23.3
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions GHG Scope 1 Digital Garage Group t-CO2 - 29 30
GHG Scope 2 Market-based Digital Garage Group t-CO2 - 1,179 1,167
Location-based Digital Garage Group 1,225 1,186
GHG Scope 3※1 Digital Garage Group t-CO2 - 10,676 9,883
Number of Employees※2 Female Digital Garage Group Person 347 358 376
Male 570 560 577
Total 917 918 953
Average Age of Employees※2 Digital Garage Group  Age 38.1 38.1 39.3
Age Composition of Employees※2 20s Digital Garage Group Person 175 140 141
30s 354 344 359
40s 310 350 344
50s 62 66 88
60s and older 16 18 21
Number of Employees by Management Position※2 Deputy-Head Level※3 Digital Garage Group Person 132 148 188
Head of Department or Above Level※3 147 170 167
Total 279 318 355
Average Annual Salary of Employees Female Digital Garage Group Thousand yen 4,350 4,590 5,300
Male 6,750 7,070 7,930
Total 5,850 6,120 6,910
Rate of Employees Taking Annual Paid Leave Digital Garage Group % 56.1 62.6 60.7
Rate of Employees belonging to Labor Union Digital Garage Group % N/A N/A N/A
Newly Hired Employees (New Graduates) ※2 Female Digital Garage Group Person 5 3 3
Male 2 4 11
Total 7 7 14
Newly Hired Employees (Mid-Career Hires)※2 Female Digital Garage Group Person 45 41 49
Male 61 57 92
Total 106 98 141
Number of Female Employees in Managerial Positions※2 Rank Deputy-Head Level※3 Digital Garage Group Person 28 36 47
Head of Department or Above Level※3 10 14 14
Total 38 50 61
Rate of the Employees taking Femal Employees in Managerial Positions※2 Rank Deputy-Head Level※3 Digital Garage Group 21.2 24.3 25.0
Head of Department or Above Level※3 6.8 8.2 8.4
Total 13.6 15.7 17.2
Number of Employees Taking Childcare Leave Female Digital Garage Group Person 17 12 9
Male 7 5 3
Rate of Employees Taking Childcare Leave Taken (Male Employees)※4 Male Digital Garage Group % - - 16.7
Number of Employees by Nationality and Region※2 Japanese Digital Garage Group Person 887 889 926
Other Foreign Nationals※5 30 29 27
Number of Employees in Managerial Positions by Nationality and Rigion※2 Japanese Digital Garage Group 96.7 96.8 97.2
Other Foreign Nationals※5 3.3 3.2 2.8
Average Cost for Training/Human Resources Development Digital Garage Group Yen/Person 24,427 49,869 73,421
Survey on the Employee Satisfaction Level: Response Rate Digital Garage Group % - 89.0 93.8
Survey on the Employee Overall Satisfaction Level※6 Digital Garage Group Point - 3.8 3.8
Average Monthly Overtime Hours Digital Garage Group Hour 17.9 20.3 16.6
Rate of Employees Who Underwent Stress Check Digital Garage Group % 85.5 87.9 90.4
Number of the Board of Directors Internal Board of Directors Female Digital Garage Person 0 0 0
Male 8 7 7
Total 8 7 7
Outside Board of Directors Female Digital Garage Person 1 2 2
Male 4 4 4
Total 5 6 6
Grand Total     13 13 13
Number of Employees titled as both Board of Directors and Officers Digital Garage Person 6 6 6
Rate of Employees titled as both Board of Directors and Officers Digital Garage % 46.2 46.2 46.2
Rate of Independent Outside Directors in the Board of Directors Digital Garage % 38.5 46.2 46.2
Rate of Female Directors in the Board of Directors Digital Garage % 7.7 15.4 15.4
Average Age of the Board of Directors Digital Garage Age 55.5 54.6 55.6
Number of Audit & Supervisory Committee Members Internal Audit & Supervisory Committee Members Female Digital Garage Person 0 0 0
Male 1 1 1
Total 1 1 1
Outside Audit & Supervisory Committee Members Female Digital Garage Person 0 0 0
Male 4 3 3
Total 4 3 3
Grand Total     5 4 4
Number of Meetings Held by Audit and Supervisory Board Digital Garage Times 17 17 17
Number of the Board of Members whose attendance rate is less than 75% at Audit and Supervisory Meetings Digital Garage Person 0 0 0
Number of Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee Members Internal Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee Members Female Digital Garage Person 0 0 0
Male 1 1 1
Total 1 1 1
Independent Outside Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee Members Female Digital Garage Person 0 0 0
Male 2 2 2
Total 2 2 2
Grand Total 3 3 3
Number of Violations of Code of Conduct or Ethical Standards Digital Garage Group Case 1 0 0
Number of Violations of Human Rights Infringements and Harassment Digital Garage Group Case 1 1 1
Rate of Employees completing the Online Harassment Prevention Training Digital Garage Group % 85.3 96.3※7 96.8
※1 The figures were extracted based on the following categories.
Category 1: Goods Purchased・Services、Category 2: Capital Goods Purchased、Category 3: Fuel Purhased and Energy (except Scope 1&2)、Category 5: Business Waste、Category 6: Business Travel、Category 7: Commute by Employees
※2 The figures as of April 1 of the next fiscal year of the current fiscal year
※3 Deputy-Head Level=Non-managers nor supervisors in managerial positions、Head of Department or Above Level=Managers/Supervisors
※4 Calculated by the number of employees who started childcare leave during the relevant fiscal year / the number of employees who had a child during the relevant fiscal year
※5 Foreign national employess hired in the domestic companies
※6 The maximum score: 5 (five)
※7 Conducted in only Digital Garage Subsidiaries(DG Communications Co., Ltd., Academie Du Vin Co., Ltd.), not conducted in Digital Garage.